Project meetings

MODEST International Doctoral School

3 October - 6 October 2022
Yerevan State University

The international doctoral school, organized within the framework of the "MODEST" project of the "Erasmus+" program, brings together representatives of a number of universities around the world, who will give various lectures on the development of doctoral education, teaching methodology and intercultural communication.

The program is implemented in order to facilitate the performance of scientific research, increase academic mobility and improve the quality of doctoral education by contributing to the modernization of curricula. Alexander Margarov, head of the International Cooperation Department of YSU, and Inga Skenderen, coordinator of the "MODEST" project of the "Erasmus+" program of the University of Latvia, gave the opening speech. Welcoming the participants of the doctoral school, "MODEST" project coordinator Inga Skendere said. "During the full four days, we will try to study together all the methods and theories that are necessary for the effective work of every graduate student and researcher. The correct use of distance learning opportunities is also particularly important for us."

The speeches were followed by lectures. Serob Khachatryan, assistant professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology of YSU, presented a lecture entitled "Art of Course Development", the purpose of which was to acquaint the participants with the methods and theories of course planning and evaluation. S. According to Khachatryan, for the effective organization of the course, the school will study how to clearly define the goals and objectives, so that the next steps will be more effective.

Anoush Ayunts, associate professor of the English Department of Intercultural Communication of the Faculty of European Languages and Communication of YSU, who presented himself with a lecture entitled "Intercultural perspectives in research and daily academic practice", emphasized the role of knowledge of intercultural skills in the academic environment, based on the fact that universities strive for internationalization and need and follow the rules dictated by globalization.

Stelios Andreadakis, Senior Lecturer in Corporate and Financial Law, Director of Postgraduate Programs at Brunel University London, and Nazmul Huda, Senior Lecturer in Electronic Engineering, presented several lectures during the doctoral school. They presented their studies on the working style of different countries through comparisons, placing the main emphasis on the example of Great Britain. The speakers emphasized that many issues are closely related to the exchange of experience.

More information about the event can be found at


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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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